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Join an elite culture of minority high-tech and high-growth JUICE companies, colleges/universities, STEM professionals & JET Apprentices who study, train, and practice JUICE skills across the very top high-tech global industries. Collaboratively, JUICE Members deliver science, technology, engineering, math, and entrepreneurship (STEME) solutions to the world’s most challenging problems ranging from aerospace, artificial intelligence, biomedical, consumer goods, defense, electronics, energy, manufacturing, and material science to agriculture, public health, transportation, and robotics.
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The annual JUICE Membership activates you as a JUICE Network member with access to highly trained JETs and JEDIs to guide you through your JUICE Journey.
As a JUICE Network member, you have access to on-demand and local entrepreneurial services including:
- JUICE Journey Timeline
- JUICE Money Match
- JUICE Money Workshop
- JUICE Award Management Operations
- IJUICE Magazine
- Access to JETs & JEDIs to receive ongoing entrepreneurship development training
- Opportunity to grow professional network
- Opportunity to positively impact community
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